On Classical Music.
Alex Ross on his blog, Unquiet Thoughts, wrote last week how his search for Beethoven's "Eroica" Symphony led him to Eric Grunin’s Eroica Project. Mr. Grunin studied composition and computer programming and was very interested in how the tempo has changed through the years. Mr. Grunin has amassed a vast collection of the Eroicas and continues to work on the site. Read the rest of the article here.
Travel destination suggestions, anyone?
2009 is drawing to a close and in a few days we would be celebrating the arrival of a new year. What better way to greet 2010 but to travel? Here's a list that sure to inspire your traveling plans. What's your pick?
Meet James Hansen, the director of NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies and one of the world's most prominent climate scientists. He was featured on Cosmos Magazine in August. Read the article here.